Sandwell Council has launched a new Animal Welfare Charter aimed at safeguarding and protecting wildlife and pets across the borough.

The charter draws inspiration from the RSPCA’s charter and encompasses a range of principles and guidelines designed to protect animals and their rights. It reflects the council’s dedication to fostering a culture of respect, empathy and responsibility for animals across Sandwell.

Key provisions of the Animal Welfare Charter include the five basic welfare needs: the need for a suitable environment, the need for a suitable diet, the need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns, the need to be housed with, or apart from, other animals, and the need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury, and disease.

By implementing these initiatives, Sandwell Council seeks to create a safer, more compassionate environment for animals to thrive.

Sandwell Council Leader, Councillor Kerrie Carmichael, said: “As a nation we are rightly proud of our reputation for being animal lovers and I believe the people of Sandwell are no exception to this. We all want to ensure that animals’ welfare is protected whether they are a beloved pet dog or cat, one of the domesticated animals at Sandwell’s farms or part of our local wildlife.

“This charter demonstrates our commitment to protecting and promoting the welfare of all animals. It covers issues as wide-ranging as the use of pesticides to food production, from angling to education and from pet ownership to exotic animals.

“I welcome the introduction of this new charter and look forward to working with residents to develop it further over time to meet our goal that no animal should suffer needlessly in Sandwell.”
Sandwell Council hopes that in launching this charter, it will itself, as well as inspiring others, make a meaningful difference in the lives of all animals in the borough.

Lee Gingell, RSPCA Public Affairs Manager, said: “We commend Sandwell Council for this welcome step in adopting a comprehensive animal welfare charter. This commitment showcases their dedication to ensuring the welfare of animals within the local community.

“As we all strive to create a better world for every animal, we hope this bold initiative sets a precedent for other local authorities nationwide to prioritise animal welfare. Together, we can create a more compassionate and kind society where the needs of animals are recognised and respected.”

The new charter seeks to build on Sandwell Council’s existing efforts to protect animal welfare, which include a new policy agreed recently to enable Forge Mill Farm to become a centre of excellence in animal welfare, food and farming education.

Sandwell Council also holds the RSPCA’s Silver PawPrints status for all the work that goes into supporting residents to ensure animals’ welfare needs are met in council housing.

Sandwell residents are encouraged to read the Animal Welfare Charter.

Source: Sandwell Council Press Office

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